After 8 years hardworking, the old iMac quit on me eventually. Instead of troubleshooting, I chose to upgrade to a new iMac. Of course, I already have TimeMachine backup on NAS disk. Hope the migration experience would be easy as…
Category: General
You may already know how to restore the classic editor interface in WordPress 5. (If not, please read How to Upgrade to WordPress 5.0 without losing Classic Editor.) But if you are using commercial theme / plugin, changes are that…
The anxious waiting is over, WordPress 5.0 is finally launched. Other than the brand new Block Editor, there are other features which worth the upgrade. After all, it is 4.X no more but a brand new 5 series. If the…
When a new plugin update causes trouble, the first thing we can do is to roll back to previous known good version. In last version of, we can easily find history versions of a plugin at Other Versions section…
Troubleshooting a WordPress website is challenging. Troubleshooting a live site posses more challenges. You may have read a lot of advice on the Internet from somewhere, among which, “disable all plugins” is one that mentioned most. Should you? Troubleshooting WordPress:…
This troubleshooting indeed took me a while to even understand why this could happen. The symptom is pretty simple: when trying to access a new post, you are redirected to another (old) post. Sounds strange, here is how to recreate…
I like listening to Matt Report podcast (A WordPress business podcast for entrepreneurs, startups and freelancers). One interesting question Matt asks his guests in the famous lightening round is, “What is the one plugin you can not live without?”. Interestingly,…
In previous post, I showed you how to possibly discover username on a WordPress site using WPScan. On a regular site without extra layer of security such as 2 factor authentication, username and password are all one needs to gain…
Plugins are ways to extend and add to the functionality that already exists in WordPress. We don’t have to be a dedicated plugin developer to write WordPress plugin. There are situation where we need to alter some existing functions, or…
WordPress revisions system saves a record of each saved draft or published update. This feature is important to site owners, because it provides some sort of “backup” for the content in case you accidentally edit posts the wrong way. By default, WordPress…